3D Design Tips for Beginners

1. Where to begin? From idea to implementation
Every work starts with an idea. When you have a rough plan for implementation, prepare sketches, collect pictures, photos, videos, and whatever you think is necessary.
2. What set of tools do I need?
Identify the set of tools you need to implement your idea. It’s best to choose several programs at first. 3DS Max, Maya, 4D Cinema, Blender are some of the most popular. These are complex programs that allow you to create 3D models, animation, and visual effects (VFX). They can be used to make animations, advertisements, films, 3D-printer models, and even physical calculations.
To choose a suitable option for yourself, it’s worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of each program. You’ll need Photoshop for textures or final rendering, as well as an additional package for a specific program.
3. Structure and plan matter!
You need to gain insight into the structure of the project in advance so that later you won’t have to deal with a whole mess of different files. Sometimes there is so much material that it takes too long to find them. Folders, graphs, textures, and work files need to be conveniently organized and, more importantly, have correct and understandable names.
4. Move from the general to the particular
It’s better to begin with large forms and the general shape of the picture. It’s important to pay as much attention to proportions as possible. It’s more convenient to work with a low-resolution model at first, to avoid starting detailing the image too early.
5. Get rid of obstacles
Misplaced or distracting elements of the design should be concealed or removed so that they won’t interfere with your work.
6. Name the models
Give them a cool name and invent a short story at the outset. It stimulates the imagination and helps to develop the idea.
7. Consult with professionals
Try to consult with more experienced people. They can brief you on the details that you might not know about. For example, how to build the mesh correctly, how to reduce noise on the render, how to optimally allocate the resources of the computer and objects in the scene to render your picture.
8. Learn from examples
Find video tutorials and try to repeat the most interesting or difficult tasks. Examine the best works and portfolios of 3D masters and try to understand how they were made.
How to Improve Design Skills by Viewing the Best Works
9. Become smarter and cooler with each day!
It’s very useful to enrich your knowledge base, delving into related specializations. If your primary area is 3D, it’s worth to study drawing in addition: the basics of composition, perspective, proportions, color, etc. This will shape your design vision, improving the quality of work and your professional skills in general.
Enhance your spatial reasoning. Explore the physical world and visualize for yourself the structure of objects, try to rotate them in your mind. To boost your spatial reasoning, it’s also useful to play chess, launch a drone, play board and video games (within reasonable limits). Imagination, curiosity, and persistence are our best helpers!
Thanks to Arthur, Outcrowd 3D Designer, for his assistance in preparing the material. We are glad that our team has such talented guys. The models in this article and most of the 3D elements in our works were created by Arthur.